Blockchain Expo North America 2018: Unlocking the Internet of Value

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Blockchain Expo North America 2018

In November 28-29 at Santa Clara Convention Center, in Silicon Valley, we will have a chance to learn more about the Internet of Value. The event will run over the course of two days, and it will be held at the most prestigious convention center in the whole of Silicon Valley. The number of investors, speakers, and exhibitors is astounding; especially if you take the time to do some research into who the attendees actually are. 56% of the attendees represent higher management, and the experience that they have to share appears to be priceless. Except for the main event, there will be other conferences, dedicated to cybersecurity and cloud technologies, IoT, AI, and big data. This is going to be the largest blockchain conference in the world, presenting content from leading brands in almost all fields.


When you see the list of participants, you’ll probably regret not having that magic pendulum from J.K. Rowling’s books. Let’s just mention some of them: Dale Christie from FedEx; Paul W. Chang from IBM; Sherry Li from General Electric; Nabil Malouli from DHL; Craig DeWitt from Ripple; AL Salour from The Boeing Company; Stephen Moran from Bank of Ireland; Ravindra Bandaru from Bank of America; Michael Lira from The Walt Disney Company; Alan Gordon from Ford Motor Company; Mahesh Sahasranaman from UPS; Boris Polania from Honda Innovations; Robert Nowell from LinkedIn; Sebastien Henot from Renault Innovation; Mark Etwaru from Estee Lauder; Derek Chamorro from eBay, and many, MANY more! Every one of these honorable guests knows a lot of things which can help you develop your own successful business, using blockchain technology as your basic foundation.


The main event is dedicated to the Internet of Value, which is itself a new conception. In short, The Internet of Value is a network, allowing us to exchange values as quickly as we exchange information nowadays. Have you ever thought about why you can send megabytes of data across the globe in a few instants, and yet, sending a hundred bucks to another country takes 3-5 business days? Why do we even need digital payment systems anyway if you can literally get on a plane with a hundred in your wallet, and get it to the destination point two or even three times faster than it takes with bank transfer? In the past, of course, we had to live with it; because there was simply no alternative! But the times they are a-changing, and now we have Ripple, which allows such transactions to be processed instantly; including both the transfer itself, and the process of exchanging it for any available currency.

The Internet of Value and Crypto gamblingLarge financial organizations benefit from an international money transaction market; one where the total cost of transactions reaches as high as 1.7 trillion dollars per year. They demand huge fees, work slowly, and have an error possibility of about 5%. If you’ve ever experienced an international bank transfer, you know what we’re talking about. A payment might get stuck somewhere, or be delayed, or just not arrive due to some technical or legal reasons. It’s hard to tell whether this represents some kind of unwillingness to keep up with the times, or basic greed; but it doesn’t really matter! It’s very frustrating, no matter what causes lie behind these problems.

The Internet taught us how to cut out the middleman, and we like doing it! It feels good when you know that an item that costs a hundred in a bricks-and-mortar shop can be bought for fifty dollars in an online shop. The Internet of Value allows us to increase the number of international payments; because payments are going to become faster and more reliable, as well as many times cheaper!

How to Make This Dream Come True?

Imagine that you can buy anything from anywhere in the world, without the need to own a bank account or a debit card. You don’t need to abide by the stupid restrictions that some countries have implemented that have commonly affected your bank transfers in the past. Imagine that you can work for a foreign company and that there is no need to argue about the enormous exchange and transfer fees. And now try and realize that the only thing that stops us from getting all these benefits is the reluctance large companies have been showing towards accepting change! Almost any cryptocurrency allows its holders to transfer funds instantly; but the problem is that not all of them are connected with each other. And that’s before we even start talking about fiat currencies! The purpose of the upcoming conference is to bring us closer to globalization and, possibly, achieve some other goals related to the implementation of decentralized currencies.

Closing Thoughts

Modern technologies don’t always bring us to the stars and other planets. Sometimes we can use them to improve our everyday life and make it better in one way or another. By attending Blockchain Expo you may get a fresh view on the problems of the global banking system; and if you’re planning to start your ICO, this is one of the ways to achieve your dream!

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