How to Get an Upgraded Suite in Vegas

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“Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada,” says the road ad which you may have seen plenty of times in movies and elsewhere. Indeed, this really is a fabulous place! Vegas isn’t just a city, it’s a celebration vibe. That is what you should bear in mind while planning a trip to Sin City. This really is a trip like no other. You’re really going to celebrate your stay, rather than just idly passing your time over there.

And when it comes to having a great time in Vegas, there’s no such thing as a minor consideration. Everything matters! And even if you’re not the kind of person who always thinks everything through and out in advance, and relies more on improvisation, now is the time to change! After all, you do need to be prepared, in order to improvise. Generally speaking, your trip to Vegas requires some attention and forward-thinking. Yes, it is demanding. But ultimately, it’s well worth the effort, as your trip to Vegas can be very rewarding if you do it properly — and there’s actually no need to be a high-roller to really enjoy your stay!

Remember — a bigger room, a wider bed or a nicer view from the window or a location further away from the elevator aren’t the only benefits that you can get here — because if you want an upgrade, it can also be spa access tickets, in-door restaurant credit or a complimentary breakfast.

Here are some tips and advice on how to be treated as a valued Vegas guest and ultimately, to get the upgrades you are looking for.

Be Polite

Placing this advice at the very top of the list might surprise you, but we still need to bring it up. Unfortunately, some people who are humble, polite and friendly in real life (surprising as it might seem!) do not act politely in Vegas — maybe they just grew up believing somehow that in Vegas they should be treated like kings, expecting service personnel to just bow to their every whim. Perhaps, the personnel in Vegas is, in general, a bit more supportive, cooperative and friendly than anywhere else in the US: but this does not mean the visitors should be impolite, or in any way remotely lordly or entitled.

If you demand a room upgrade loudly, you’re very unlikely to get one. On the contrary, some quiet, polite and friendly small talk will be very helpful. Also, it’s always better for you to be discreetly dressed. Of course, nice talk and a nice tie don’t exactly give you access to everything you may be looking for: but it all counts!

The Password

There is no special password or a shibboleth to get a suite upgrade in Vegas, but you should say clearly what exactly you want. Speaking of the upgrade, use the word “complementary.” It will give the clerk a clear sign that you’re not in a position to pay for it. Specify what exactly you’re looking for: a larger suite, a better view, a balcony, a quieter location, whatever — or no view on exchange for something else.


The Famous Tip Trick

Do not forget about tips: for instance, you can tip the clerk at your hotel and ask him whether there are room upgrades available. Don’t think they are not available — even at high season, they often are, although your chances might vary from one hotel to another.

Las Vegas is a city that runs on tips. The clerks know the name of the game, and they will always refuse to take your tip if there’s no way to give you the upgraded suite. Some hotels are more flexible than others just because they have more options. Research this issue before you go!

Make Use of the Hotel Loyalty Programs

It’s pretty easy! Many hotels and resorts offer you nice benefits if you qualify for the status of a Loyal Customer. For this, you need to pay for the room, dine and shop indoors, and gamble just a little (no need to bet a fortune). Loyal customers can count on free room upgrades or even on a free room offer during their next visit to Vegas.

It’s really important to check whether your hotel has a partnership program with your credit card issuer. This doesn’t necessarily exclude the possibility of automatically qualifying for a free suite upgrade in Vegas. So just check with your card issuer whether or not you have such bonuses!

Time Your Visit Properly

Everybody knows that the high seasons are not good for hotel room upgrades, and Vegas really isn’t any different in this regard. But visitor traffic in Vegas obeys some pretty different rules: the summer months and December are much less crowded, and free room upgrades are more likely at that time. Midweeks are also better than weekends!

It may surprise you to learn that when a hotel in Vegas is hosting an event your chances for the suite upgrade are actually pretty high! The reason for this is that the guests usually book base suites, while upgraded rooms stay free.

Check-in time also matters. Late afternoon or evening check-ins are preferable if you want a room upgrade, as by that time the clerks have a better idea about hotel vacancies.

Avoid Third-Party Websites

It’s not that booking through third-party websites is not a good idea. Because in many ways, it is! But you should remember that the hotel earns less if your booking comes this way, and so, they’ll be less willing to give you a free suite upgrade. If you have booked the cheapest room through a third-party website, your chances to get a room upgrade will be the lowest possible. Book a mid-range suite directly with the hotel — you can also get a reduction, by the way — and enjoy the level of their cooperation when you finally come!

Mentioning the Occasion

Many people come to Vegas to celebrate some kind of special occasions like a jubilee, an anniversary, honeymoon or birthday — and please don’t hesitate to tell the clerk about it, if this is so. The personnel in Vegas really like such visitors and are very happy to offer them some perks. You can get a better suite, and even a bottle of champagne too!

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