It won’t be a surprise if we say that bookmakers love accepting bets; and they also try and grab any advantage they can, however meager, whenever there’s any chance at all for a gambler to place a bet. “If you think of it, you can wager on it!” That’s the golden rule of all the betting markets. And they seem to go further and further every year, implementing the weirdest and the most unusual things you can bet on. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of them.
The question of whether aliens exist or not has bothered people for centuries. However, that hasn’t bothered the bookmakers at all; on the contrary, they’ve already discovered how to make good profits from it.
Now you can easily place a wager on the year humanity will first encounter alien life. The options vary from now up to 2025 and beyond. When will you receive your winnings if there are any cases of face-to-face encounters with aliens? No one can answer this question; however, this still doesn’t stop players from placing their bets on our first extraterrestrial event!
Remember the old days when all our decisions were made with a simple game of rock, paper, scissors? Adults still play it for fun, or to help them take their pick from a range of options. Well, now it’s time to take the ‘game’ more seriously and actually gain some money from it.
The World RPS Society holds the World Championship tournaments, where people are competing to win at this thrilling game! Also, you can successfully break the bank simply by observing and placing a stake.
Even Michael Jordan himself, a former professional basketball player, once wagered 100 grand on this game!
The legal sports betting went absolutely sick, with oddsmakers offering you to bet not only on when a celebrity or public figure will die, but they also pair them into deadly matchups.
Everybody dies eventually, and it seems players have somehow managed to find a new wave of entertainment that’s inspired by this solemn fact. As land-based oddsmakers are somewhat limited, the power of the Internet offers a variety of odd things you can wager on.
Will we die from a zombie invasion? Will we all die from a lack of food supplies? Or maybe a meteorite will fall and destroy the whole planet? You’ve all probably had this kind of discussion with your friends at one point or another. But did you know that you can actually benefit from it? Well, the question remains whether you could collect your winnings or not, if the end of the world actually does happen.
However, bookmakers still see an opportunity to benefit from this kind of entertainment. Did you know that the most popular end-of-the-world stake was a prediction about the death of our planet on September 23, 2017, when Planet X was supposed to crush the earth?
The most popular and loved sport in the whole world is, without any doubt, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Many say it’s fake; but then again, many people don’t believe in Santa either!
Long story short: in WWE matches, wrestlers show their athletic skills while the crowd screams their support for the one they’re betting on. If you follow wrestling forums, read articles about wrestlers and their qualifications, there’s a good chance for you to win a good amount from placing your wager.
A really great sport for anyone who enjoys watching movies and following the acting world. Bet lovers have a chance to place a wager, not only on the outcome of the Academy Awards, but also on things such as whether Leonardo DiCaprio will win his second Oscar by 2020. However, don’t forget to check your local laws: for instance, Las Vegas doesn’t allow legal bets on Oscar winners.
Bookmakers have taken things further than everything you’ve read above. Not many of you know, but carrying your wife is a sport that can actually help you bring in a lot of money! The World Wife-Carrying Championship is usually a recreation with a comic twist, where you need to carry your wife on the shoulders as you overcome a series of different obstacles. A strange form of entertainment, but still fun to watch; plus, if your friends are involved and they are physically fit, you can place a bet and win some cash!
Nowadays, you can wager on literally everything: betting sites are full of propositions for you to choose from as you place your bet, and the more stupid it sounds, the more entertainment it can bring you! There is no denying that nothing can be better than the thrill of putting your money and hoping it will bring you a huge reward!
Of course! Assuming you’re at least 21, you most certainly can place a bet on the Super Bowl. Bookies offer you to choose among the silliest bets you’ve ever heard of: from the color of the drink poured on the winning coach, to the number of times the announcers say “dabbing” during the game.
The odds levels show you how much you’re able to get as a return from your bet. To gain as much money back as you can from your initial stake, you should find the odds to be as close to 100% as possible.
Betting online does have its advantages in comparison with the kind of betting you do in shops. First off, betting shops have limited hours and much lower odds, while placing a bet online gives you 24/7 access to various things to place a bet on! On top of this, you can also place a bet on your smartphone whenever you want, and, perhaps, win big as well!
Long story short, yes. As there is no federal law against online gambling, it’s not illegal at all. So this means that you can place a bet on all of the above options; and better still, completely legal!
When we’re thinking about modern land-based casinos, we mostly tend to imagine large casino-resorts featuring a multi-story hotel, conference room, spa, concert hall and, of course, a luxurious casino that probably occupies more than one floor. Actually, it’s a fair stereotype: big casinos that can offer lots of other services attract lots of clients with […]
Have you ever come across a casino that operates without offering any card games? We bet it’s impossible to find anything like that. The odds are about 1,000,000,000:1. Of course, this is because card games are the main attraction for anyone who likes gambling. Just think about it… Playing cards is both exciting and dangerous. […]
Italy will take severe precautionary measures to prevent minors from developing a gambling addiction by halting all sorts of betting-induced advertisements. It is said that games of chance destroy families, and that the prohibition of the ads that encourage betting should, therefore, preserve Italian integrity. Luigi Maio, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, delivered a speech […]
Posh casinos and luxury hotels are the very heart and soul of Sin City. Vibes of joy and excitement hover over the streets and seep into the very pores of the tourists and professional cardsharps visiting Las Vegas. There is just so much to do here, from trying your luck at table games to going […]
If you love gambling and have been to a land-based casino at least once, you may have thought about becoming a dealer. Playing the same game but from the opposite side, while communicating with other players, sounds like a dream job, right? A dealer is a straightforward job, and you will be the heart and […]
On Monday September 14, MGM announced that it plans to open its first smoke-free casino at the end of September, when Park MGM will finally reopen its venues to players and tourists. The resort comprises around 2,990 rooms and various restaurants, and it’s set to be reopened on September 30. The venue has been closed […]
Online gambling has undoubtedly taken a place of true supremacy over the casino industry during the pandemic. And the reason for that is quite clear: online casinos are more accessible, and you can always count on some encouragement from the casino administration to help you boost your game. However, this digital revolution has only been […]
The large selection of online gambling sites out there can make players somewhat puzzled, and give them a feeling of uncertainty about making the right choice of casino. Each online gambling venue offers its own conditions, games, and various bonuses, of course; but the most important thing is the reliability of the casino and the […]