Las Vegas VS Monte Carlo: Which One Is Better?

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Las Vegas VS Monte Carlo: Which One Is Better?

How do you feel about epic historical battles? Do you find them fascinating, cruel, mind-blowing, pointless? They`re actually all these things rolled into one! And people across the world find such things fascinating, we decided to join in, with our own endlessly epic rivalry between Las Vegas and Monte Carlo! A vintage vibe versus a modern approach; royal atmosphere versus American free spirit; fancy gowns versus Wild bachelor parties. But most importantly, Las Vegas gambling versus Monte Carlo gambling.

Let`s start with the fact that Monte Carlo has been a flourishing European gambling capital since 1863, the year of the first casino establishment. And we won`t even mention that Monaco has 600 years plus gambling history; while Las Vegas is like a young, inexperienced spring chicken. Gambling in Nevada was legalized only in 1931; the fact it was legalized doesn`t mean that casinos immediately started popping up all over the place.

The first casino that earned the honor to be called truly grandiose was El Rancho. It was established by an American businessman; people loved the idea of playing a game of chance in fancy surroundings, while over-dressed from head to toe. This success attracted many other American investors, and the rest is history! Monte Carlo may have a richer and nobler gambling history; still, Las Vegas does have quite a few aces up its sleeve! And yes, a pun is totally intended.


There is probably no need to remind you where Las Vegas is situated because it seems to be one of the most used cinematographic locations. When it comes to Monte Carlo though, there can be a degree of confusion. For some reason, there is a widely spread misconception that it`s situated in France. Nope! It`s Monaco, which is a separate country. In fact, it’s more like a city-state; but still, it`s totally independent! Perhaps people are puzzled because Monaco does have France as an omnipresent neighbor. Indeed, L`Hexagone is the only country Monaco shares borders with.
It`s great that these powerful gambling capitals are situated in different parts of the world. Can you imagine the level of rivalry between both places? But let`s be honest here. Monte-Carlo has a head start in this location competition. It`s situated on the shore of the warm, magnificent Mediterranean Sea; it has the gorgeous, majestic Alps nearby, and an extremely pleasant climate to boot! What`s not to love? You don`t just go to gamble there; it`s a full-scale lavish vacation we`re talking about.

And what does Sin City have to propose? It`s a desert! It`s just a city full of neon lights, pompous buildings, entertainment establishments which stand right in the middle of some godforsaken desert! No sea, no mountains, no nothing… Nothing beautiful enough to make you want to pose in front of it for an Instagram snap. So Monte-Carlo definitely wins this one!

The Money Question

When it comes to casinos, it`s always about money, isn`t it? But in this specific case, let`s talk about the price of accommodation, and the level of betting. How do we put it gently? Monte Carlo is just hellishly expensive. Usually, when people come to a casino, they want to relax, have fun, and get a well-deserved dose of entertainment. This is why they often stay at hotels adjacent to casinos. But in Monaco, you won`t be able to find a room cheaper than $700; and the upper limit can be around $14,000. However, the upper limit may not even exist! Vegas is significantly less pretentious; and even if, like Monaco, there are some breathtaking prices for a night in a hotel as well, every gambler will still be able to find something affordable.

Of course, the patrons of Monte Carlo casinos are mostly VIPs. Many people play there incognito; and there are many stars, super-rich businesspeople, and influential politicians. Minimum wages may also come as an unpleasant surprise for many `ordinary` people; maximum wages simply don`t exist. So Las Vegas gets a point here because absolutely anybody can try their luck there and feel comfortable in that atmosphere.

Casinos and the Games Selection

Monte Carlo can boast of only one incredible casino, while Las Vegas has more than 40 of them. More importantly, gambling facilities in these cities differ in games they offer. Interestingly enough, one of the largest casinos in the American city was designed as a replica of Monte Carlo.

As for the games, Las Vegas is packed with various slot machines. But if you’re a roulette lover, you would like it better in Monte Carlo. Both gambling centers attract visitors with various table games, but Monaco’s capital is more focused on Punto Banco version of Baccarat. It’s possible to find any popular game in Monte Carlo; however, the range will be not so wide. By contrast, Sin City features so many variations of entertainments that you don’t know even where to look first.

Non-Gambling Entertainments

How many hours can you spend at a casino? There’s no question that playing is fun; however, you`ll still want to have a little change from time to time. Both American and European gambling capitals offer their fair share of options including restaurants, nightclubs, and shopping malls. But what about differences? Monte-Carlo (despite all its natural advantages) is a teeny-tiny city. It’s undoubtedly gorgeous and picturesque, but it will take you just a couple of hours to have a tour around.

As Monte Carlo casino was built centuries ago, most other buildings in the city have a majestic, historical vibe; so you’ll have a time of your life walking around and exploring this architectural beauty. There are even royal palaces there. When it comes to Vegas, it’s a city of lights and buildings, and… that’s pretty much it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a bad tendency though. Perhaps, you’re a concrete jungle buff, and Las Vegas will seem just like a natural environment to you.

Anyway, it’s your call! And perhaps there is no need to turn these two legendary, iconic cities into rivals anyway. They both are awesome in their own, unique way! To sum up: we’re offering you a short list of criteria that your choice can be based on: location (whether you’re an American or European), experience expectation (laid-back style or a fancier option), financial opportunities (you’ll have to pay before even entering a Monte Carlo Casino), and traveling style (a family vacation at the seashore sounds way more appealing than the middle of a desert!)

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