Gambling Addict Steals Over $11,000 in Casino Chips, Escapes Prison

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Law and Money on the table

Police officers recently apprehended problem gambler Mahmudul Hasan (48) in Aberdeen, Scotland. According to news sources, the gambling addict stole £9,000 in casino chips. Later, he confessed to the theft and admitted he stole approximately £9,000 (over $11,000) in chips from Rainbow Casino.

Allegedly, Mahmudul Hasan is a gambling addict who was previously banned from all gambling establishments in England. He went to Aberdeen’s Rainbow Casino and played blackjack in the evening. Then, he stole a box full of casino chips from a blackjack table. Rainbow Casino stores a black box for chips in all tables on the gaming floor, and according to reports, Hasan found a way to remove it and hide it under his jacket. Staff members and attendants did not notice Hasan’s actions, and he escaped the casino.

Casino Rainbow sign on the side of the RoadHowever, the gambler returned to the establishment after one hour and was able to cash in some stolen chips for approximately £700 ($900). At 10 pm, when staff realized that the box was missing, Hasan was long gone. Nevertheless, casino security called the police, who were able to trace his movements. The authorities found him in another casino and immediately arrested him. Furthermore, it was discovered that he concealed the chip box in a public trash can before he left the Rainbow Casino in Aberdeen.

Police were able to locate the box. The officers claimed that the box was placed in the bin carefully and that they were able to retrieve the chips.

Hasan was apprehended last month and taken to Aberdeen Sheriff Court. In his confession, Hasan stated that he was addicted to gambling. He had reportedly claimed that his theft was a way to “fuel” his compulsive gambling problem. Additionally, Hasan stated that an “African man” had assisted him in the theft.

This week, at Hasan’s second court hearing, his lawyer claimed that his actions were caused solely due to his gambling addiction. The defense lawyer, Stuart Murray, stated that Hasan had committed an act of “victimless crime.” Supposedly, Hasan couldn’t resist his pathological gambling disorder and the urge to gamble. Due to the compulsive gambler’s confession and his lawyer’s plea, Sheriff Ian Wallace sentenced him to 135 unpaid work hours, instead of jail time, for the theft. It is unclear if Hasan will get treatment to stop his gambling addiction. Additionally, there are no reports regarding Mahmudul Hasan’s alleged accomplice.

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