Feminization has got it going on by continually setting its own rules for almost every single area of human life and the world’s development. Moreover, as it happens, poker is no exception to the revolutionary and steadfast expansion of the feminist movement all over the world. Given that gambling was initially solely a male obsession, the tendency towards this old-school pastime by women has picked up much steam as well as admiration among “pokered-up” individuals.
Surprisingly, there is a substantial number of upbeat and self-motivated female poker players in the industry. These women have proven that they were not only able to keep up with the opposite sex but, to men’s great sexist disappointment, sometimes even surpass the self-important gender at poker. Now, let’s tackle the list of the most successful women who have managed to become quite famous poker players and get some inspiration from their extraordinary stories.
The top ranking woman in the entire poker history, Vanessa Selbst can show off the most significant victories in the Partouche Poker Tour where she hit it big with $1.8 million. Moreover, she’s got three (!!!) World Series of Poker bracelets and over $11 million of poker wins.
This talented and aspiring woman had her first poker experience in 1997, which was her immensely successful starting point. She has followed this path as a formidable and celebrated feminist ever since. Kathy took part in a few tournaments of the World Poker Tour where she gathered $250,000. Later in 2002, Liebert received her first million dollars!
This tough woman managed to set a record as the first female to win the NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship. Besides, she remains the only woman who’s ever accomplished that! In 2004, she won $2 million at the WSOP Tournament of Champions establishing herself as one more bright example of exceptional femininity and women’s relentless stamina.
Annette made it to the top at that very age when most girls’ minds are captivated by boys, fashion, and the upcoming prom. Being a teenager, this girl did handle the vast spectrum of ups and downs of adolescence. She worked up the World Series of Poker in 2007 by winning $2 million which was followed by a series of other striking performances in her poker career.
Vanessa is one of those top female poker players who made a six-figure number three times (!!!). However, it wasn’t her best score. Rousso’s top and most remarkable game, EPT Grand Final, was to take place in Monaco in 2007 and be triumphantly marked by her winning the cash of over $700,000.
The nickname “Iron Maiden” Liv received was a stark verbal representation of her inherent skills of a professional gambler. The hallmark of her career came in 2010 when she stroke $1.8 million in the EPT Sanremo which was followed by her impressive wins at the World Series of Poker Main Events in Las Vegas and Cannes.
Joanne has been ranked high in poker rating charts since the mid 90’s. The year 2017 was the big highlight of Liu’s career as she managed to be ranked number one on Taiwan All Time Money List and win $27,743 at the $10,000 No Limit Hold’em at the 2017 World Series of Poker.
This fantastic woman made it to getting two World Series of Poker bracelets and winning over $380,000 in a WSOP Circuit Event. Harman has been viewed as one of the most successful women poker players in history.
Victoria was the first woman to win the European Poker Tour getting $900,000. Then in 2011, she took third place in the Grand Final of the Madrid Ladies Event and came second in the Grand Final of the Monte Carlo Ladies Event. Eventually, Coren made it first-place at the 2012 Grand Final.
Naujoks rose to poker fame winning over $1.1 million at EPT Dortmund, Germany. Sandra also starred at the 2011 World Series of Poker Main Event and was listed in the top 400. She now has a live cash record of $1,159,541, which put her on Germany All Time Money List where Naujoks is ranked 25th.
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