Gambling in Mexico: Short Guide

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Mexico has always been a haven for gamblers, outlaws and adventurous travelers who have traditionally sought thrills and excitement in its small designated gambling cities. Despite the fact that this state has been restricting gambling in many ways for a while, there have always been crowds of punters flooding saloons and local casinos to try their luck with some amazing games of chance!

Lately, the country’s gaming industry has been booming, pushing the legislative framework further away from the old bans. Casinos at the US-Mexico border are flourishing, with dozens of new gambling sites opening annually. Over the last few years, people have been expecting more than 35 new establishments to open 50 miles away from the borderland. Famous resort destinations such as Acapulco and Cancun, together with border megalopolises like Tijuana and Juarez, have also experienced rapid growth in the number of casinos to be found there.

Many people are tired of traditional Vegas casinos, and they want to explore some new locations and have some new experiences that are different from those they’ve been generally used to getting in Sin City. This being so, Mexico truly is the perfect place to visit!

Legal or Not?

Mexico Police Standing Back in the 18th century, something of a Spanish vibe held sway over the Mexican gambling industry. Loteria, an old ancestor of bingo, dominated the market. Until 1935, when President Lazaro Cardenas legalized gambling, the entire industry included not only some old casino classics, but also horse-betting and cockfighting, etc. Mexico was an alluring place for US citizens way back in the 1920s, during the Prohibition period. They fled to this neighboring country to get a hefty dose of freedom; and of course, to place some bets as well!

But the music stopped when the new bill on gambling was introduced in 1947. The Federal Games and Draws Law (Gaming Law) was rather vague in its definition of games of chance, thereby creating a gap for the more intrepid players out there! And since the notion of gambling was vague, some games were still available on the market; from different variations of craps to horse racing. This actually required the adoption of further supplementary acts, in order to specify how exactly the industry was going to be regulated.

In 2004, the situation improved a great deal, with the adoption of an important measure: the Regulations of the Federal Games and Draws Act. The primary issue of concern was hidden in the area of slots regulation. Before the act was developed, there was a major quarrel between the government and various gaming groups. So once it was clear the government wanted to ban slot machine games, the lobbyists managed to obtain a special court restriction in order to protect the industry. Under this new bill, the Ministry of the Interior became responsible for issuing regulatory norms on number-based games.

These new rules resulted in a heavy crackdown on the gaming industry in general. Holders of the slot machines could only extend their licenses for 25 years instead of 40. Casino owners were also forbidden to rent their premises to other operators.

In 2013, the Law was amended once again, and all the following games were permitted: chess, dice, dominoes or same nature games, bowling, billiards, ball games in many forms, any type of races, all kinds of sports and draws. Although the entire list is already exhausting to read in itself, it has the potential to be expanded even further by the huge variety of gambling activities that are eligible for supervision by the governmental authorities.

That said, casino games, including classic slots, blackjack and roulette, are regulated by the General Bureau of Gaming of the Ministry of Interior. All types of betting, poker and bingo are regulated by the same organization. And the lottery is supervised by the National Lottery Public Assistance.

When it comes to online gambling, there are no strict provisions regarding terms. It is known that in Mexico, foreign online casino providers are not blocked. The state also allows the establishment of a joint venture with foreign entities for the purpose of operating gambling facilities on its territory.

All in all, Mexico has a gambling culture of long standing; despite being an extremely Catholic country, and the only country to impose regulations on casinos in Latin America.

Betting Like Nowhere Else

Unlike their northern neighbors, Mexicans enjoy sports betting and different types of races. Because of the French influence, horse racing has become one of the top attractions in Mexico. From the big hippodromes in the capital city to the small tracks in rural areas, people are always wagering real money on their favorite horses.

Gambling on dog RacingThe biggest venue is Hipodromo de las Americas-EX. A 30-peso entrance ticket is an extremely low price for a pleasant weekend afternoon. There is always a mixed bag of people there, from blue-collar fans who take horse racing seriously, to white-collar spectators who use these events as an excuse to meet with a couple of friends. Mexicans like watching it while sipping some micheladas con clamato (Corona beer with tomato juice) and listening to music. Every race is a small holiday, and there is simply nothing else like this anywhere in Mexico!

Small towns don’t possess huge stadiums for racing. Instead, they usually have 200-300 meters of track for up to six horses to run. The difference between the Mexican way and other countries is that the bets are not made in the booth, but each visitor needs to go to the middle of the track and announce the bet to the taker. You can just walk on at any point of the race to try your luck. Such a procedure is common for small towns, but not for major venues of that kind!

Among the things that are better to do only in Mexico is dog racing! There is still one of the last Greyhound racing tracks in Tijuana, which is called Agua Caliente Racetrack; here, you can feel the high spirits and adrenaline rush from the galloping of these marvelous creatures. The races here take place six days a week, and never fail to entertain and excite the guests of Casino Caliente. So, if you ever decide to visit this place, make sure you have a Spanish speaking guide! This is because all the announcements are in Spanish, and so are the machines.

The most outrageous betting games you’ll find are those surrounding the blood sport of cockfighting. Imagine roosters with steel spurs tearing each other apart! This is definitely not something you’d expect to witness in Las Vegas! Mexican officials tend to turn a blind eye on what is happening in this area, as this kind of sport is a sort of national tradition.

And what about bullfighting? Yes, this is indeed considered an integral part of Mexican culture. Every major city is equipped with a bullfighting ring. Indeed, Mexico City can boast one of the largest ones in the world, which has ample capacity for more than 55,000 spectators! But don’t forget, of course, that Mexican bullfighting always ends up with a lethal end for one, or sometimes both bulls! So this does make it a pretty violent sport that some gamblers might not be easily able to stomach.

Casinos to Visit

Despite the fact that Mexico is seeing some pretty promising conditions for further development of their gambling industry, this particular niche country has a rather small number of participants compared to Las Vegas. Still, we bet you’ll enjoy having a really incredible trip to one of the casinos listed below!

  • Agua Caliente Casino

Founded in 1928, this lavish casino will bring you a whole new level of excitement! This place is reminiscent of the rough old times of Prohibition and of the hosts of happy Americans who escaped here for drinking, horse racing and gambling. But nowadays, it’s also a generally dominant brand in Tijuana, consisting of several resorts, dog racing track, sports bars, and restaurants. There’s also the home stadium of a soccer club, Xolos de Tijuana.

  • Diamonds Casino

The child of a famous Mexicali brand, this spot contains more than 800 slot machines. Imagine how many free slot games you can get there! Another great thing about this casino is its restaurant, which is open 24/7.

  • Arena México

All day long shows and real-life concerts, accompanied by taco nights on Fridays and Saturdays are all going to make your trip to Mexico beyond memorable! There is always some special bonus there for visitors aged 50 and above, such as a 25% discount on the buffet or on various other things.

Hideaway at Royalton Riviera Cancun

This posh casino is situated not far away from Cancun Airport. The modern decor of the place, with its vibrant colors, does make it well worth a visit. And after playing on a poker machine or a video slot, you can anchor in a spa or one of the restaurants as well. This place is perfect for couples who want to enjoy their relationship while having fun in the authentic Mexican atmosphere of Hideaway!

So, to sum up? This summer, you can definitely consider Mexico as a destination that is really well worth a visit! This undiscovered paradise may yet turn out to hide many pleasant surprises for some professional gamblers out there.

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