Five Crucial Tips to Hit It Big in Gambling

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Gambling cards on pale of chips

No matter how much luck and motivation you may possess, it’s just not enough if you want to be a successful gambler. Knowledge is not trivial. In gambling, knowledge is by far the most powerful tool you can wield. Just for the record, a profound knowledge of gambling’s rich history does not equate to a deep understanding of how the system works. To be a capable gambler, you also need to know the many gambling tricks and laws of gambling, including psychological poker tricks which have a separate place for them on our blog.

1. Determine the Weakest-Link Card Dealers

In order to double your chances of hitting a jackpot, be sure to look out for lousy blackjack dealers who accidentally reveal the face-down card, giving you the green light to succeed at their expense. This cunning strategy is called “hole carding”.

2. Don’t Let Doll-Dealers Distract You

Casinos are changing their gender policy towards card dealers by assigning females to the role. Considering the male dominance in casino games, such a renovation can’t help but prove seductively profitable. And this is what you, dear men, had better keep in mind when sitting at a poker or blackjack table when the cards are being dealt by an attractive woman. Otherwise, you are at risk of getting distracted and ripped off by the casino masterminds. Bear in mind these casino gambling tips in order not to end up in a losing streak.

3. Make Use of the Old Roulette Wheels

A roulette wheel doesn’t last for ages and thus may play itself out over time. This may be the time for you to benefit from things getting worn out. A frail roulette shows certain numbers more frequently than others. Find a casino with a whack roulette wheel and bet on it!

Roulette Wheel Table

4. Practice Makes Perfect

One of the reasons why casinos make money from the games you play is the happy fact that things usually work out in their favor. But the share of this “occurrence” rarely counts for more than 10 percent of your losses. What’s left owes to a player’s lack of experience. Dazzled by self-confidence and relentless ego, gamblers head for a game without stopping to consider their expertise and skills. In the end, they blow it. So unless you want to know how it feels to mess with the house, practice, especially if you wonder how to become good at poker or other skill-based game.

5. Keep Things in the Dark

Traditionally, the house makes up for its worst odds by embellishing the place with ample light. Casinos exploit human psychophysiology, and gamblers are attracted to bright, enticing lights. Therefore, no matter where you are playing (at one of the top ten casinos in the world or at a small venue) it makes sense to pick the games that are lighted less like a carnival and more like a romantic dinner. In conclusion, it is necessary to say that the abovementioned casino gambling tips will not ensure you 100% result; however, they can be useful in reducing risks and raising your chances of winning.

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