Your first time at the casino is always an exciting occasion! But if you want to look genuinely classy all the time, you do need to observe a certain etiquette in each gambling house. You do need to mind your manners when playing certain games, or even when you’re just wandering around the casino floor in search of entertainment. Remember also that there is a different kind of etiquette for each particular game. This article is going to give you some clues about how to look natural and breezy at any gaming table!
To enjoy a fun and productive time, you should learn the rules of the game you’re interested in. But if you’ve already come to the casino and feel completely clueless, then the casino service will provide you with a game tour with a detailed description of each game. There is also the option of a newbie table where you can play with some training chips. Not knowing the rules can adversely affect your winnings and ruin the game for other players!
This may come as a surprise for a newbie, but it is undesirable to use a mobile phone in a casino. The casino staff have to ensure the guests do not take pictures on the casino grounds. Violation of this rule can force them to show you the door or worse — to confiscate your “faithful companion.” However, another very good reason to leave your phone at home is simply that it might annoy your colleagues at the gaming table. A tense atmosphere inevitably reigns at the table, as each player is focused on getting their winnings; so people talking can be irritating for them. Remember Brenda from “Scary Movie” at the cinema?
You should be prepared for anything: not everything is necessarily going to go according to plan! The games you play are usually based on a mixture of luck and house advantages; it’s not like there is any sinister plot against you. It always feels bad to lose, but make sure you steer clear of extremes. If you feel like you’re ready to explode, it’s always better to get up and take a walk. When you return, you’re going to look like a person who is going to be able to accept defeat and get out of any situation with dignity! It’s also worth mentioning that if you decided to relax with the help of alcohol, you need to make sure you do it intelligently. Your senses are dulled when you’re drunk, and your chances of losing your gains and significantly exceed your planned limits also increase. All this, of course, can drastically spoil your evening at the casino. Play it cool, and the game is sure to bring you nothing but joy!
To avoid misunderstandings, you should follow a few rules when exchanging money for chips. The iron rule is always put your money on the table; there are no exceptions to this! Don’t indulge yourself with any illusions; the security staff are always monitoring the exchange of money to make there are no questionable transactions. Therefore, if you transfer your money directly to the dealer, your gesture could be misunderstood; so the dealer won’t accept it. In a situation like this, it would be wise to wait until the table is between hands, and only then put your money down on the table. There is also another important piece of advice for those who want to show off: you shouldn’t count your big winnings publicly. Yes, you better believe it! You don’t need any extra attention, because this can attract some dubious characters who may have some bad intentions about getting your money! Plus, it simply doesn’t exactly look ‘comme il faut’ in the eyes of your playmates.
It’s no secret that working in the service sector is often hard and low-paid. So it’s worth respecting the work of a dealer who’s been on their feet all day for you to help you enjoy your casino experience. It is logical if your tip depends on the size of your bet, but either way, you’re not going to go broke if you tip a few dollars. Don’t forget to make people happy!
The main advice when playing poker is to remain attentive and watch closely whose turn it is. It’s no good to play before your own turn! Being distracted risks delaying the game and thus spoiling the mood of everyone at the table! Don’t be surprised at this; poker is a very social game, where you need to take into account the mood of everyone gathered around the table. And the concept of “splashing the pot” is another aspect that should be avoided on the grounds of etiquette. Firstly, this is problematic, because you can never tell exactly how much you are putting in; and secondly, you may be accused of dirty pool.
If you have heard about the so-called “slow roll” which is often shown in the cinema, then remember that this method does need to stay on the screen! When players make it clear how confident they are that they’re going to win, by showing their hand in an exaggeratedly slow manner, they look rather like show-offs. Believe us, you’re not going to get anything but disapproving glares from your opponents!
Blackjack is not considered a very sociable game, but you still need to know the right tone to bring to the game. To avoid any misunderstandings with the dealer, you should always watch your hands. After all, the various signals the players make with their hands are important unwritten rules that indicate what you decide to do with your hand. Also, it’s really not so hard to learn blackjack signals, since there are actually only 3 of them! Don’t forget, of course, that there is a massive taboo in the world of blackjack about touching your cards when they are dealt out of the shoe and laid face up on the table. If they are dealt face down, you can touch them, but only with one hand. However, if you do plan on touching your cards, never drag them to the edge of the table. The dealer will think you’re cheating, and this can be detrimental to your whole experience. Also, if you’re tempted to give someone some tips over the course of the game, don’t forget that sometimes it is useful to actually keep your mouth shut. Adopt the habit of only giving someone advice if you have been asked.
The main rule of etiquette with roulette is to make sure you never move or even touch another player’s chips when placing your bet. Any tampering with chips that have already been set down may look like somebody’s trying to cheat. Also, make sure you are placing your chips in the right place for the bet you want to make. Remember that in roulette, you need to accept the word of the dealer as law. Never argue with the dealer! They are in charge of the game, so it’s best to be careful and to follow their instructions with precision.
Most casinos have a unique and mysterious atmosphere, which is always associated with huge winnings and life-changing decisions. Some players might spend thousands of hours (and dollars) in a casino, so they know the environment and its rules inside and out. But if you are a new player and you want to test your luck […]
On May 14, the AGA (American Gaming Association) finally announced its long-expected Responsible Marketing Code. It is aimed at regulating the Association’s activities in advertising sports betting. In many ways, this is a remarkable event. It was well-timed to coincide with the 1st anniversary of the historic decision of the US Supreme Court to lift […]
Have you ever wondered how to win at roulette? Of course you have! Everybody feels more confident when they have the right betting system to help them triumph. So many gamblers have embarked on a never-ending quest for the winning roulette strategy; and often enough, this has led them straight down the rabbit-hole of exotic […]
Blackjack can definitely be described as one of the simplest and most commonly encountered casino games for you to play. It has a minimal house edge, which can be as low as 1%; or even lower, once you follow the blackjack strategy. The basic strategy of blackjack is usually presented in the form of a […]
If you love gambling and have been to a land-based casino at least once, you may have thought about becoming a dealer. Playing the same game but from the opposite side, while communicating with other players, sounds like a dream job, right? A dealer is a straightforward job, and you will be the heart and […]
On Monday September 14, MGM announced that it plans to open its first smoke-free casino at the end of September, when Park MGM will finally reopen its venues to players and tourists. The resort comprises around 2,990 rooms and various restaurants, and it’s set to be reopened on September 30. The venue has been closed […]
Online gambling has undoubtedly taken a place of true supremacy over the casino industry during the pandemic. And the reason for that is quite clear: online casinos are more accessible, and you can always count on some encouragement from the casino administration to help you boost your game. However, this digital revolution has only been […]
The large selection of online gambling sites out there can make players somewhat puzzled, and give them a feeling of uncertainty about making the right choice of casino. Each online gambling venue offers its own conditions, games, and various bonuses, of course; but the most important thing is the reliability of the casino and the […]