Tilt Breaker Review: Say No to Tilt in Poker

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Tilt Breaker Review: Say No to Tilt in Poker

Discipline and emotional control are the most important skills of an online poker player. However, even great pros are not always able to meet this challenge. So, what does tilt mean in poker? If you have problems with controlling your emotions during unsuccessful cash game or tournament sessions, this is tilt. In such a case, Tilt Breaker will come to your rescue and will not allow you to lose your bankroll.

Tilt Breaker Review

The task of this poker software is to prevent you from playing when you are in low spirits or act extremely unreasonably. If you are not disciplined enough when playing (you start watching series, surfing the Internet, or chatting with friends on Skype and social networks) Tilt Breaker will immediately intervene here. In simple terms, this software is designed to watch the player’s discipline when they cannot cope with this problem themselves.

If you eventually concluded that you are not disciplined enough or cannot stop playing at the right time, then Tilt Breaker can help you.

This third-party software runs in the background and surfaces only in case of predefined parameters are triggered. For example, when you reach the set value of lost (Stop Loss) or won (Stop Win) buy-ins.

Tilt Breaker Features

As already mentioned, its task is to protect you from a “bad game,” as well as to help in situations when you are clearly in poor shape and bad humor. Tilt Breaker will take your “main poker skill” to a completely new level. It will not allow you to lose focus, chat or watch TV series until you close all poker tables. Moreover, it will not let you play games that you cannot afford.

Auto Break

If you are impacted by mood swings and often regret about playing after a huge loss, you can set Tilt Breaker for interrupting your poker sessions according to the given parameters: game time, the number of winnings or losses, and the number of hands played. As soon as one of them is triggered, the software will automatically close all the tables.

Bear in mind, the tournaments that are already being played will never be interrupted by the program; it will let you finish them. However, it can hinder you from sitting at new tournament tables.
The Main Criteria for Stopping the Game:

  • win or loss of a certain amount;
  • number of hands played;
  • the game session duration.

Also, you will see a timer that will allow you to finish all the current hands. This will be an allocated time that you can set. Let’s say 3 minutes before the end of the session. When the time expires, all tables are automatically closed.

Bankroll Manager

In Tilt Breaker, you can set additional limits to save your bankroll. If you know that you tend to climb to higher limits, buy into too expensive tournaments, or even play slots to recover your losses when tilting, you can block the cashier or certain games.

Also, you can set a limit on the maximum number of simultaneously open tables. The software is also useful for grinders who want to play more thoughtfully but automatically start a maximum number of tables.

You can also block the game at a certain daytime if you decide that this is the worst time for you to play poker.


Tilt Breaker uses built-in algorithms that can predict your tilt attacks. It analyzes the history of the player’s hands, and if tilt is indicated, Tilt Breaker immediately closes all active tables, warning the player of ill-considered decisions.

The analysis involves your Holdem Manager 2 database. Your game style after a big win or loss is also taken into account. All this is displayed in a clear and understandable graph. You can find out the conditions of your A-game and understand in which situations it’s worth taking a break, what the duration of sessions is better and what game time is optimal for you.

App Blocker

Browser, Skype, and other programs can be automatically closed, and you can fully concentrate on the game and not disperse your attention to unnecessary little things at the expense of your win rate.

What is more, you can specify a list of applications that will not be blocked, for example, HUD and Holdem Manager 2, as well as any other assistance software that you use while playing.

Smart Lock

This is additional protection which will not allow the player to bypass the timer and continue playing. You will not be able to restart the computer or set another time and remove the game ban. Also, you can not interrupt the program by closing it in the Task Manager or by disabling the hands’ history in the poker client.

Rage Quit

If you feel that you are already on tilt, you do not need to wait until you lose a buy-in. There is an “emergency exit” button. Press it, and all the tables are automatically closed. Activated “Rage Quit” places a colorful button in the system tray and on the desktop.
You can specify up to three different “tilt levels,” and each of them will be given their conditions and locks.

Price / Trial

Tilt Breaker gives an opportunity to test it for 15 days. At the same time, its features will not be limited, you will be able to fully appreciate its benefits for free and decide whether it fits your needs.
The program has a lifetime license and costs $49 per one copy. So, if you wonder how to become better at poker, try Tilt Breaker tool and feel the difference!

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