How Concierge Apps Will Change the Way Casinos Interact With Players

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Since the dawn of time, mankind has been working tirelessly towards devising new things to make our lives easier. Today, we’re at a point where innovations are no longer as groundbreaking as they were a century ago.

Whether we’ve adjusted our expectations, or are nearing the peak of our capabilities regarding technology, is certainly up for debate. However, the image of flying cars people used to have in the ‘70s has slowly evaporated from our minds. We no longer expect technology to revolutionize the way we live our day-to-day lives. Nowadays, the goal of technological advancements has shifted towards smaller, “quality of life” improvements.

The spotlight seems to be on digital solutions that make businesses easier to conduct. Likewise, by incorporating software in their core business structure, companies are making their services more accessible. Convenience is the key here, for both sides.

Businesses can more easily reach wider audiences and market their products and services. On the other hand, customers can satiate their wants and needs with a single tap on their mobile phone’s screen.

One of the latest technological advancements is a concierge app. The concierge app development is likely to take customer service to a whole different level. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, these mobile apps effectively put all concierge services at your fingertips.

What Are Concierge Apps?

From a business point of view, concierge apps are AI-powered personal assistance available 24/7. Essentially, a concierge application is software you can download to your mobile device that makes concierge services more easily accessible. It’s an AI – a mobile concierge, if you will.

So, instead of having to visit the front desk every time you want to inquire about something or make a reservation, you can do so without leaving the hotel room. You can call room service, schedule a massage, check all events at and near the hotel and find every piece of information you need – all within seconds.

Various luxury hotels are already taking full advantage of these assistant apps. And, as you would expect, the response is phenomenal. Not only does it alleviate the pressure of the hotel concierge, but it also makes the stay that much more enjoyable for hotel guests.

Due to the myriad of benefits they provide, concierge apps are actively transforming the communication between businesses and their customers. Some apps currently on the market can even push notifications. So, you’ll never miss out on a discount at a nearby restaurant or forget about an event you intend to visit.

What’s more, hotels can utilize the information the apps gather to create tailored itineraries for their guests. In other words, you won’t even have to worry about planning your vacation – the app can do that for you. Other benefits of concierge apps include weather/traffic updates, bankroll management, and in some cases, even remote control of the hotel’s amenities.

However, it’s not just the hospitality industry that benefits from AI-powered concierge apps. They’ve already snuck into the entertainment industry, as well. Several gambling giants have recognized the potential of these apps and have already started reaping the benefits.

Concierge Apps & Casinos

In an industry as competitive as gambling, even the slightest advantage can make an enormous difference in profits. A seemingly minuscule perk might be the reason why a gambler prefers one casino from another. The final result is a million-dollar revenue discrepancy between two nearly identical casinos.

Consierge App Casino

Hence, it’s no surprise that the industry giants have already adopted concierge apps. Both Caesars and Foxwoods offer the mobile concierge perks, which only further solidifies their positions at the top of the casino gambling world.

There are a total of 104 hotels & resorts in Vegas, most including vast casino floors with hundreds, if not thousands, of games. Consequently, it can be quite difficult to choose one casino. Most provide a comprehensive, thrilling, adrenaline-pumping gaming experience.

So, even something small, like an extra complimentary drink, can make all the difference. Now, imagine how a casino with a concierge app compares to one where you have to do everything manually!

That’s right — there’s no comparison. When you have the option to reserve a seat to play casino games, see exactly where your favorite slot machines are positioned, schedule a visit to a local attraction, and so on, why would you choose another casino without such perks?

Without a doubt, we all want to make every second of, let’s say, our Las Vegas vacation count. It is certainly more convenient when you don’t have to waste your time making a reservation, but can do it from the comfort of your hotel room.

In conclusion, concierge apps create a win-win situation. The level of convenience they offer benefits the hotels, casinos and players.

The Future Is Now

Caesars and Foxwoods are pioneering the communication change, but they certainly aren’t the only ones open to the idea of concierge apps. Other land-based casinos will soon follow suit. It’s only a matter of developing the actual apps, which can be a long and costly process.

So, in the eyes of most operators, concierge apps are well worth the time, money, and energy;

This is great news for players all over the world. At this rate, concierge apps will become an industry standard in a few short years. No hotel/casino will be able to remain competitive if the services they provide are sub-par to everyone else’s.

So, it will be faster, easier and far more convenient to plan out and execute a perfect gambling trip to Vegas, or any other popular gambling destination, for that matter. We only need to stay patient for a little while longer.

It’s Also Interesting to Know…

  • What is a mobile concierge?

A mobile concierge is a revolutionary digital hotel guest service available on your mobile device. It helps a guest customize his stay at a hotel which includes room bookings, check-in, check-out, room service and more.

  • What is a virtual concierge?

A virtual concierge is the newest groundbreaking service conceived to maximize the comfort of the customer to the extent that they don’t have to deal with a real person anymore. Virtual Concierges are quick, efficient and always eager to solve all your problems.

  • What is a luxury concierge?

This is a service that provides immediate help with any question to a customer. This service will help you plan your holidays and make this process as trouble-free as possible. Also, the service features multiple useful perks that will ease your stay at a hotel and make your vacation a real paradise.

  • Is concierge service free?

If a hotel complex features concierge service, it is usually free and the payment for this add-on is included in the fees you pay for the hotel room. Also, you don’t necessarily have to tip this kind of concierge, though al least some tipping is preferable.

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